It's time for a change. What's your goal for 2016?

December 28, 2015 | by Edward-Elmhurst Health
Categories: Healthy Driven Life
Setting a list of goals, even one or two, is the perfect healthy-driven way to start the new year.

Why? Goals give you something to work toward. They motivate you and hold you accountable.

Goals challenge you! We can help in that department, by the way — our Healthy Driven Challenge provides dozens of healthy nutrition, physical or emotional challenges to tackle.

Don’t think of your goal as a temporary pursuit. Make it a change in your lifestyle. 

Here’s what some of our bloggers resolve to do in 2016:

• This new year I’ll work on spending more time at home with my two children and watching my portion sizes at meals. - Dr. Jonathan Gibson

• I don’t make New Year’s Resolutions. I try to work on improvements to my lifestyle in a more continuous fashion. This past year I gave up artificial sweeteners and white/refined rice (switched to whole grain/wild rice). I also added pull-ups and heavier (>1x bodyweight) deadlifts to my workout program to increase my overall strength and fitness. - Laurie Lasseter

• I have asked Santa for the FitBit Surge to help keep my fitness routine on track! It’s not easy to keep things consistent being a full-time wife, mom and Fitness Coordinator so any help I can get to keep me motivated is a plus! - Carol Teteak

• My resolution for 2016 is to take a moment when life gets too stressful just to breathe and relax. Between buying a house, moving and planning a wedding, things are going to be very hectic for me in the first half of the year, so I’d like to try to remind myself to just breathe and take a moment to focus, rather than letting time pass me by in a whirlwind of stress. I’d also like to make sure I keep up on my diet and exercise routine to help keep the stress at bay! - Alanna Troyer

• One of my resolutions for 2016 is to go to bed when I’m tired. I enjoy staying up late and watching Jimmy Fallon or Stephen Colbert on TV and I don’t always get my 7-8 hours of sleep that I need! - Toni Havala

What are your resolutions for the coming year? Share what you’re working on in the comments!

Resolve to be healthy driven! Our free, online HealthAware assessments are a good place to start.

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