Danica Patrick: How to get the best sleep ever

May 23, 2016 | by Danica Patrick

I’m the first to admit that I don’t always have the best sleep routine.

I’ve got the dogs on my bed. Sometimes the TV is on. These things are no-no’s if you want a high-quality snooze.

At least I realize this, right? I am able to get enough sleep, but if it ever becomes a problem I know what changes to make.

A good night’s sleep can make you feel like a new person. Getting enough sleep (an adequate amount for adults is 7-8 hours, according to this study) can protect your health.

Lack of sleep is also connected to mental health disorders like anxiety and depression.

Don’t you feel like you’ve got a clear head and your energy back after a great sleep? I know I do.

These tweaks can make it easier to get great sleep. In fact, these sleep conditions should be non-negotiable:

  • Turn down the thermostat. Your bedroom should be 65 degrees. That’s cold. When I travel and it’s cold at night (it might be 59 degrees in the bus when I wake up in the morning) — I sleep like a rock!
  • Make it dark. I use blackout blinds. A stream of light can be enough to wake me up. Light can also disrupt your sleep cycle, leading to less/lower-quality sleep.
  • Silence your phone. You shouldn’t be hearing the ding and dong of text messages coming in all night. Keep the phone, and other electronics (*ahem* like the TV), turned off. In fact, the Better Sleep Council recommends keeping your cell phone out of the bedroom altogether, as just having your phone close enough to pick up could be enough of a distraction to keep you awake.
  • Add nature. Include some natural décor in your bedroom. It’s relaxing, and could help you unwind.
  • Work out earlier in the day. Get your exercise in at least two hours before bedtime.
  • Create a relaxing bedtime routine. Make sure it does not include electronics. Read a book, take a hot bath, listen to soft music. You’ll feel sleepy in no time!

Do you think you have a sleep disorder, or wonder if you could develop one? Find out in minutes with our free, online Sleep Aware test.

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