Stronger heart, stronger relationship

February 13, 2017 | by Carol Teteak, M.S.
Categories: Healthy Driven Life

Your heart needs to be challenged to keep working efficiently. The American College of Sports Medicine recommends at least 150 minutes – that’s about 22 minutes a day – of moderate to vigorous cardiovascular exercise each week to help maintain good heart health.

Although working out independently can be rewarding, having a buddy by your side can further evoke motivation, accountability and fun! So grab a friend, family member or loved one and try this heart-pumping workout!

Complete the exercise circuits in order 2-3 times, then finish off with a good stretch.

Partner Circuit 1 - Minute Med Ball Madness

Circuit 1 – Minute Med Ball Madness
Perform each for 1 minute in order, then move on to Circuit 2.

A. Lateral pass
B. Squat with chest pass
C. Lateral pass (other side)



Partner Circuit 2 - Up, Down and All Around

Circuit 2 – Up, Down and All Around
Perform each for 45 seconds in order, then move on to Circuit 3.

A. Burpees (you) and jumping jacks (partner)…then switch
B. Push-ups (you) and alternating lunges (partner)…then switch
C. Jump squat (you) and lateral shuffles (partner)…then switch


Partner Circuit 3 - Total Core

Circuit 3 – Total Core
Perform each for 30 seconds in order, then recover for 2-3 minutes before beginning all 3 circuits again.

A1. One-arm pull plank (R arms)
B1. Starburst side plank (option shown on forearm with knee down)
C1. Legs around the world (you)
A2. One-arm pull plank (L arms)
B2. Starburst side plank (other side)
C2. Legs around the world (partner)

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