Why do I have to pee all the time?

May 14, 2018 | by Amish Doshi, MD
Categories: Healthy Driven Life

How often do you feel like you need to go?

No one wants to spend half their day rushing to the bathroom. But frequent urination is a common symptom of certain diseases as well as lifestyle choices, so many people experience it.

Frequent urination can be easy to stop, depending on the cause.

First of all, how do you know if your bathroom use is “frequent?” Basically, if you notice that you need to go more than usual, it’s frequent urination. Most people have to go between 4-8 times each day. Needing to pee more than eight times per day often indicates a problem.

These are some of the things that can cause frequent urination:

  • Drinking too much fluid. Especially carbonated beverages, caffeine, alcohol, even decaf coffee and tea.
  • Weak pelvic muscles. This can occur after a woman gives birth vaginally, after a man has prostate surgery, or with constipation, bowel or bladder issues or even heavy lifting.
  • Medication. There are certain medications that can increase urine production.
  • Overactive bladder. When you frequently feel sudden, intense urges to go throughout the day.
  • UTI. Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are one of the most common causes of frequent urination.
  • Kidney stones. You may feel the urge to urinate frequently as kidney stones pass.
  • Diabetes. Excessive thirst and frequent urination are two primary symptoms of diabetes.
  • Interstitial cystitis. This condition causes pelvic and bladder pain and the feeling of having to urinate constantly.
  • Bladder cancer. While the first sign of bladder cancer is usually blood in your urine, frequent urination is also a symptom.

While frequent urination is a symptom, not necessarily a condition itself (except for cases of overactive bladder), there are ways to reduce your risk:

  • Avoid diuretics. These are food and drinks that can cause you to produce more urine, such as caffeinated and carbonated beverages, spicy food, artificial sweeteners and some acidic fruit and juice.
  • Eat more fiber. This will help you avoid getting constipated (which can led to frequent urination due to pressure on bladder muscles).
  • Strengthen your pelvic muscles. Try Kegels as well as thigh and glute-strengthening exercises.

Your doctor is your healthy driven partner. Find the right primary care physician for you and your family.

Learn more about urology services at Edward-Elmhurst Health.

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