Strength training: an integral component for weight loss

June 07, 2018 | by Carol Teteak, M.S.
Categories: Healthy Driven Life

It’s true, if you burn more calories than what you take in, weight loss will happen. So how do we increase our calorie expenditure? Exercise! But most of us are only hitting the cardio and, unfortunately, this won’t be enough to reach your weight loss goals.

An integral — yet very misunderstood — component to the exercise element is strength training. When performed properly and with the right amount of effort and time, it can have many wonderful effects on the human body!

Strength training:

  • Increases lean body mass. If weight loss is your goal, this is the effect you’ll want to pay most attention to, lean body mass (i.e., lean muscle), takes up less space than fat body mass (i.e., FAT)! Muscles burn more calories than fat by providing additional energy expenditure during exercise and helping to increase resting metabolic rate (i.e., burning more calories at rest).

But wait, there’s more!

  • Builds strong bones. Strength training puts stress on bones, which can help improve bone density and reduce the risk of osteoporosis.
  • Enhance quality of life. Gains in overall strength can help improve performance of daily activities and sport while also reducing the risk of injury and falls. Additional research suggests this type of training can improve thinking and learning skills in older adults.
  • Manages chronic conditions. According to the Mayo Clinic, strength training can “…help reduce the signs and symptoms of many chronic conditions such as arthritis, back pain, obesity, heart disease, depression and diabetes.”

The most important piece of information I can give you is this: To create an effective weight loss program one must use an integrated approach combining proper nutrition, behavior changing strategies AND exercise. Trying to achieve results with only one ingredient will cause frustration and defeat.

The fitness experts at Edward-Elmhurst Health & Fitness can help you defend yourself against frustrating and defeating weight loss programs by creating one that is effective, supportive, energizing and long lasting!

Explore Edward-Elmhurst Health & Fitness.

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