Revive your fitness resolution

February 12, 2019 | by Carol Teteak, M.S.
Categories: Healthy Driven Life

Your New Year’s fitness resolution may have started off strong, but now you just don’t seem to have the same enthusiasm as you did back in January. No matter the reason, this ‘March madness’ phenomenon can be thwarted!

Check out my list of common complaints, along with tips to revive your resolution:

Didn’t reach my goal

You didn’t fail … your resolution was either too lofty or you had too many. Make sure your goals are realistic and attainable. Choose one or two goals and allow yourself time to reach them before adding more. Didn’t make a goal yet this year? It’s never too late to start!

Hit a plateau

Your body has adapted to whatever routine you’ve been doing for the last two months and it needs a new challenge! Adjust one of these exercise variables (called the FITT Principle) every 4-6 weeks to continue to see improvement:

  • Frequency – workout more often throughout the week
  • Intensity – pick up that heavier weight or push yourself a little harder
  • Type – try a new piece of equipment or new class format
  • Time (duration) – add 5-10 minutes to your workout

Not seeing results

Getting healthy requires a lifestyle change — and you have to work to get the results! If you aren’t eating healthy and/or don’t incorporate all the elements of exercise into your weekly routine, you won’t reach your health goals. 

  • Keep a food diary — and be honest! You may be surprised to see you weren’t eating as healthy as you thought. Follow the serving size on the nutrition label instead of blindly eating, and eat less processed and fried foods. Need more guidance? Go to or see a registered dietitian.
  • Your weekly routine should include cardio, strength, flexibility and neuromuscular training. Unsure what these are or how to perform them safely and effectively? See a fitness specialist for general guidance or consider working with a personal trainer.

Too sore, too tired and lost energy

You were either way too ambitious or you are overtraining. Overdoing it can be a detriment to your goals and your body! 

  • Doing too much too quickly will only make you hate coming back for more. If you’re new or coming back to exercise, ease your way into a routine to allow your body time to adapt. Follow the FITT Principle and make sure you are hitting all the elements of exercise mentioned above.
  • There’s no need to work out for several hours every day, unless you are an athlete or training for a specific event. A smart, effective and healthy approach is one that incorporates 150-300 minutes of exercise per week.

Join Edward-Elmhurst Health & Fitness today.

How will you revive your New Year’s fitness resolution? Share your tips in the comments below!

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