How to develop the right mindset for fitness results

November 06, 2019 | by Edward-Elmhurst Health
Categories: Healthy Driven Life

In a time where social media, technology and marketing strategies for fitness can be seen everywhere people look — in grocery stores, on television, in ads across the internet — it can create a false reality of expectation for one’s fitness goals and body image.

The fitness industry has blown up to become something so much more than health and wellness, with flashy apparel, fancy new exercises, niche workouts and franchises, dietary supplements, and again, that both men and women have to be incredibly over-muscled, sporting unrealistic body images.

Over the 16 years I have been in the industry, and watched my own mind and body change and take form over time, I have acquired my own philosophy of how people can develop the right mindset about themselves:

“We are on the road to success, however we all start out on different points in that road.  Sometimes we will have to follow others, and other times we have to lead, but at the end of the day it is our own story, and the best results come from staying true to your course through to the end.”

When you’re looking to see results and you begin to take those first steps into the fitness world, there are several major factors to consider:

  • Nothing happens overnight; be patient and realize that fitness is a marathon, not a sprint. Look for the little victories each day, not the numbers on the scale but how you feel and the way you look in the mirror.
  • Find peace of mind in yourself and believe you are destined for greatness before you set out on any fitness adventure. Focus on loving yourself first and foremost.
  • Give purpose behind what you do in fitness. Work toward a realistic goal and make it fun along the way. Live in the moment and make each workout purposeful toward your own goal.
  • We are the sum of the actions we take today, not the choices we made yesterday. Learn from your mistakes and realize that these are opportunities for growth and betterment of yourself.
  • Get comfortable with being uncomfortable. If something is hard, face it and learn why it is hard for you. Understand that there will always be challenges along the way. Rise above it and you will be stronger. 
  • Remember to make fitness SMART goals: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely.

The best thing you can do is to get to know yourself. Increase your awareness of your body and what you are capable of, establish a schedule that holds you accountable and is part of your daily routine. Be the best version of yourself to reach daily, weekly, monthly and long-term goals.

It starts with focusing on what you do with your life, what purpose you want to bring into it. Be the best version of yourself, stay true to your story, and you will find rewards if you accept nothing less than success.

Realize that just because we stumble off the path sometimes doesn’t mean we aren’t lost forever; it just means we have to stay humble and grounded and work to be the best version of ourselves daily. Make today count. Make it a great day, and let it begin with you!

Explore fitness classes and programs at Edward-Elmhurst Health & Fitness.

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