How to adopt a workout routine and stick with it

October 06, 2021 | by Melanie Kirschten
Categories: Healthy Driven Life

Making the decision to start exercising is the first step to a healthier life and a healthier you. Yet, starting can be quite confusing sometimes.

Where should you begin? What should (and shouldn’t) you do? How can you stay consistent? Enlisting the help of a certified personal trainer can help answer these questions.

If hiring a trainer isn’t an option for you, here are some suggestions for how to stick with your workout routine:

  • Choose activities you enjoy. Sticking with your workouts can be easier if you incorporate activities that you enjoy. For instance, if you hate running, try power walking instead. If staying on a cardio machine seems boring to you, take a cardio class instead. If the weather permits and you enjoy getting your cardio outside instead of inside the gym, go for a bike ride, rollerblade, jog or go for a walk. Again, you will more likely stay committed to your workouts if you choose activities you enjoy.

  • Pick a time of day that works best for you. If you aren’t a morning person, it would probably be better for you to work out in the afternoon or evening. On the other hand, if you get tired as the evening approaches, try working out in the morning. If you don’t have time to work out in the morning because of work, bring your gym bag with you so you can head straight to the gym after work. Once you get home, you may be less likely to go back out to the gym. Bottom line, picking up a time of day to exercise that works best for you sets you up for success.

  • Understand that setbacks can and will happen. Try not being too hard on yourself if you miss a workout. What matters is that you resume exercising as soon as possible. If you didn’t get a chance to work out today, make sure you get it in the next day. The longer you stay away from the gym, the harder it will be to get back. Don’t let one day turn into two days, then three days and so on. Before you know it, one week can turn into one month.

  • Choose to work out as a lifetime commitment. Many people decide to work out because they have a special occasion coming up, such as a reunion or a wedding. The event comes and goes, and the person stops exercising. Instead of choosing to work out because you have a special event coming up, choose to work out as a lifetime commitment. Look at exercise as a way of life for yourself—something you do every day such as brushing your teeth. Remember how much your health benefits from staying physically active.

Again, making the decision to start exercising is the first step to a healthier life and a healthier you. To make it easier to stick with your workouts, make sure you take the necessary steps such as choosing activities you enjoy, picking the best time of day, understanding setbacks can happen and choosing to work out as a lifetime commitment.

Take it one day at a time and have fun!

Need help with adopting a workout routine? A fitness specialist can help you develop a fitness program that works for you.

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