How to make the most of your hiking experience

August 29, 2022 | by Edward-Elmhurst Health
Categories: Healthy Driven Life

Hiking can be a fun way to get active and improve your health. It’s a relatively low impact form of physical activity that provides the cardiovascular benefits of aerobic activity. The unevenness encountered on the hiking trail produces natural lateral movement, which engages the core muscles and balance skills. Hiking has also been shown to relieve stress and can be an interesting way to add activity into your routine.

Here are 10 tips to keep in mind to make the most of your hiking experience:

  1. Fuel up for the hike. Eating before and during your hike is crucial to feeling energized. Remember to refuel your body throughout your hike by eating a snack every two hours. Make sure to bring food that is easy to pack, can stay fresh and is nutritious. Some snack ideas include:

    • Trail mix
    • Carrots and hummus
    • Dried fruit
    • Protein bars
    • Nut butter packets
    • Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches
    • Crackers

  2. Choose appropriate footwear. Look for hiking shoes or boots that provide arch support, durability and comfort. Ensure that your shoes are the proper size and will not cause blisters or discomfort. A low-top hiking shoe is similar to a sneaker and there different styles of trail running shoes. A mid-top hiking shoe covers the ankle, giving more security and keeping debris out of the shoe.

  3. Hydrate. Drinking plenty of water is key to staying hydrated and replacing the fluids your body loses through sweating and exerting energy. Drinking enough water will also help you avoid cramping and lethargy. As a good rule of thumb, drink 16 oz of water two hours before your hike and drink 16-24 oz each hour during the hike. Make sure to bring enough to drink, stop at a water fountain or use your car as a hydration station during the route.

  4. Know your destination. Check out these hiking trails within a 2-hour drive of both Naperville and Elmhurst:

  5. Choose what you wear wisely. Make sure to check the weather and the location of the trail so you know what to wear. Dress in layers and breathable materials that can wick away moisture. Wear comfortable pants that are easy to move in and resistant to snags. Bring a warm jacket for colder conditions and a packable rain jacket in case the weather changes. Wear tall socks for protection and avoid cotton because it holds onto moisture. Additionally, a hat and sunglasses are always a good idea and easy to pack in a backpack.

  6. Protect yourself from the sun. Consider choosing a shirt that covers your back and shoulders, chest and back. Brimmed hats are another way to protect your face and neck from the sun. Using sunscreen daily is important both on and off the trail. Look for a water-resistant option between 30-50 SPF for adequate sun protection. Take breaks in shaded areas of the trail and reapply sunscreen at least every two hours.

  7. Pick the right trail and plan your route. Information can be found online as to whether the trail is easy, moderate or difficult. Know how long you want to spend on your hike. Take into account your fitness level and make sure you can handle the route you set out on. Look at maps or brochures before your hike and locate restrooms and water stops. First-time hikers may want to consider a loop trail, so you end up back where you began.

  8. Bring navigation tools. Program your hike into your phone GPS, but since GPS signals can be lost, have a paper map and compass on hand as well. Plenty of routes can be found online so you can study the terrain ahead of time and prepare for how long the route will take to complete. Keep an eye on landmarks and pay attention to your surroundings to help you find your way.

  9. Pack essentials. Pack the essentials and try not to carry too much extra weight. A comprehensive list can be found here. A concise packing list may include:

    • Extra layers
    • Snacks and water
    • Map and compass
    • Small first aid kit
    • Flashlight and knife or multi-tool
    • Portable phone charger
    • Sunscreen and insect repellant
    • Baby wipes and hand sanitizer

  10. Have fun and enjoy your fitness journey. Staying active is fun when you can find activities that you enjoy doing. Hiking combines physical activity, nature and adventure. During your hike, appreciate what nature has to offer and remember to take note of the wildlife, water, trees, foliage and rocks. Consider bringing a friend or family member with you, then plan to eat lunch at a destination spot.

Want to move more? Breathe in some fresh air? Join us on an eight-week journey, from Sept. 1 to Oct. 27, and rediscover the healthy benefits of being active and spending time outdoors. This year, we've partnered with local community sponsors to bring you hiking insights and expertise, special programming and ideas to Elevate Your Hike each week. Learn more about the Healthy Driven Take a Hike! Challenge.

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