Simple cardio exercises to try from home

November 11, 2022 | by Melanie Kirschten
Categories: Healthy Driven Life

Cardiovascular exercise has proven to be crucial for overall great health and well-being. The benefits of cardio are limitless — including maintaining weight control, improving mental health, decreasing cholesterol, regulating blood pressure, improving heart health and helping with stress management.

Just like any other form of exercise, consistency is the key. You must consistently perform cardiovascular exercise to make progress. Unfortunately, sometimes finding the time to exercise can be challenging. Also, since the COVID-19 pandemic, many people prefer not to venture out to the gym.

The good news is, you can get in a great cardiovascular workout while in the privacy of your own home.

Read on for ideas to get you started. Always remember to consult with your doctor before starting any exercise routine.


There are many ways to get a cardio workout in at home. Do you have stairs at home? If you do, you can perform step ups for a given amount of time to get that heart pumping and blood flowing. You can also do stairclimbing to get that heart rate up. Make sure to climb upstairs, downstairs and even laterally.

March in place

Another great way to get some cardio in at home is while watching television. Yes, you read that correctly! Let’s keep it real here. Who doesn’t love vegging out on the couch while watching TV after a long day? Just don’t stay a couch potato the whole time. During commercials, get off the couch and march in place while pumping those arms, walk or jog around the house, or sit and stand off the couch.


Do you love to dance? There’s no better way to get some cardiovascular exercise then by dancing in the privacy of your own home! Dancing will get that heart rate up and get you to sweat. Don’t forget to play some of your favorite music. Better yet, get the kids involved and the whole family can spend time together while doing something that is healthy for everyone.

Jumping jacks

Let’s go old school with the next idea. Do you remember as a kid how many times the gym teacher would make us do jumping jacks? Well, let’s bring those jumping jacks back! Let’s say you are working from home and just need to take a much-needed break for a quick burst of exercise. Start doing some jumping jacks to increase your heart rate, reduce work stress, and burn some calories.

Although there are many other things you can do at home for cardio, these examples are a good start and give you a foundation to improve upon. Again, remember that consistency is the key. Try to find something you enjoy and just do it consistently.

Make sure to always listen to your body when you are working out. You know your body the best. If you start to feel tired, instead of stopping, try decreasing your intensity. If you feel like you can work harder, increase your intensity. Let your body be your guide.

Remember that movement is medicine! Do what you need to do to keep moving. Whether it’s five minutes or five miles, it is always worth it.

The only bad workout is the one that is never done. Now is the time to stop using the excuse that you can’t make it to the gym. There are several things you can do at home to stay active and healthy.

Need help with reaching your fitness goals? A fitness specialist can help you develop a fitness program that works for you.

Drive your health forward at Edward-Elmhurst Health & Fitness.

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