Win the battle with your weight

December 27, 2022 | by Omar Shamsi, M.D.
Categories: Healthy Driven Life

Losing weight isn’t easy.

That’s truly an understatement. Weight loss is complicated. Whether you have 10 pounds to lose or 100, it’s a process that requires deep, long-term mental and physical commitment.

When you’re obese or overweight, it can feel like you’ll never lose that weight.

I’m here to tell you that you can.

Like I said, it’s not easy. It requires a lifestyle overhaul. But if you’re tired of being overweight, we are with you. We’ll help you start your new, healthy lifestyle--and watch you lose the weight in the process.

At Endeavor Health® Weight Management, our non-surgical approach is right for anyone with a BMI greater than 30 or a BMI greater than 27 with an obesity-related condition, such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease or sleep apnea.

Our medical approach is also perfect for people who aren’t technically obese – even a new mom who wants to lose 20 pounds and get back to her baseline weight.

We can help you take control of your weight by approaching it from four angles: medical, nutritional, physical and behavioral.

Changing your lifestyle is crucial, not only to lose the extra pounds, but to maintain your new weight once you reach your goal. We’re with you every step of the way, supporting you with regular check-ins, medication if needed, nutrition advice and, of course, intense moral support.

We keep up with your progress and tweak your program as you reach milestones, keeping you on track toward your goal weight. You’ll meet with our medical team, which includes a registered dietitian, a clinical psychologist and an exercise physiologist. Dr. Neha Shah and I are board certified in obesity medicine.

It’s hard to change longtime habits, but it’s essential to break out of those old ways of thinking and routines.

Weight loss is not a quick fix. You won’t reach your goal weight overnight or even in a month. But you will see progress, which is extremely motivating. You’ll start to feel, look and think differently.

Finish the battle with your weight. You can win this. We have the tools, support and inspiration you need to successfully reach and maintain a healthy weight.

Make an appointment at one of our three locations:

  • Naperville, 1331 W. 75th St., Suite 201, 630-527-7205
  • Elmhurst, 1200 S. York Road, Suite 1240, 331-221-6140
  • Hinsdale, 8 Salt Creek Lane, Suite 301, 331-221-6140

Learn more about Endeavor Health Weight Management.

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