
How to know when chest pain signals a heart attack

May 01, 2019
Though unexplained chest pain does not always indicate a heart attack, it should not be ignored.

Golf season is coming. Are you up to par?

May 13, 2019
You may only need to shake the dust off your clubs, but your body needs more prep to keep up with this sport.

Is it a cold — or hay fever?

May 23, 2019
The symptoms of seasonal allergies can mimic a cold virus, causing some of us to question what’s really going on.

These lifestyle factors increase liver cancer risk

May 01, 2019
by Edward-Elmhurst Health
While it isn’t the most common cause of cancer deaths in the United States, liver cancer has become the fastest-increasing cause of death in the U.S.

How to help your teen be a safe sitter

May 15, 2019
by Edward-Elmhurst Health
If your young teen is considering babysitting, she/he needs to be prepared to handle it.

5 essentials to know as you plan your next trip

May 30, 2019
by Edward-Elmhurst Health
Make sure you check these items off your travel planning list.
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