HDLife agingwellcrop

8 tips to age well

August 18, 2022
Thanks to smarter health choices, better nutrition and more access to healthcare, people are living longer. The good news is that much of how you...

Understanding your blood test results

August 04, 2022
Blood tests are often part of a routine check-up, as doctors analyze how your body is working.
HDHearts stentsbypasscrop

What’s the difference between stents and bypass?

February 17, 2022
What’s the difference between stents and bypass? There are pros and cons to each treatment option. Here are a few to consider when making a decision.

Facing cancer as a couple

February 14, 2022
by Edward-Elmhurst Health
A cancer diagnosis can test any relationship whether you’ve been dating for five years or married for 10.
HDLife funfitnesscrop

8 ways to escape your workout comfort zone and make exercising fun

February 23, 2022
When mundane exercises become a deterrent to working out, it’s time to switch up your fitness routine.

How to treat (and prevent the spread of) norovirus at home

February 23, 2022
by Edward-Elmhurst Health
A norovirus infection can lead to an extremely unpleasant 24-36 hours.
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