
Are you constantly worried about your health?

We all worry about our health from time to time. But some of us really fixate on it and become preoccupied with the fear that something is...

Could you have low-grade depression?

October 03, 2019
Are you feeling persistently down? Maybe you can still function, get out of bed and go about your day, but your gloomy mood keeps you from feeling...

What makes vaping dangerous?

October 02, 2019
by Edward-Elmhurst Health
As the number of teens and young adults being admitted to hospitals for vaping-related illnesses rises, health officials across the country...

Lose the belly fat, lower your risk

August 20, 2019
by Edward-Elmhurst Health
Recent studies have indicated that women who carry more weight around their belly are at greater risk for heart attack than women who carry their...

The effects have turned deadly; demand action on vaping

August 29, 2019
by Edward-Elmhurst Health
People across the country are being admitted to hospitals with a yet-unidentified severe respiratory illness related to vaping.

How to adjust to being an empty nester

August 29, 2019
by Edward-Elmhurst Health
Your child has gone to college and now there’s a huge void. While your college student adjusts to a new beginning, for you it may feel like an end.
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