
What parents should know about head lice

September 07, 2017
As kids return to school, along comes the risk of those pesky little bugs known as head lice.

Why and how to stay active during treatment

September 27, 2017
Keep moving during treatment — the benefits are endless.
HD Hearts Family heart health

10 ways to keep your family heart healthy

September 26, 2017
by Edward-Elmhurst Health
Mary Bielawski, a personal trainer at Edward-Elmhurst Health & Fitness, provides tips to keep your family on the move and inspire them to eat...
price estimator

No more surprises on your hospital bill

September 12, 2017
We’re rolling out a new tool that will help you plan ahead when it comes to healthcare costs.

How patients learn to trust their hearts again after a heart attack

September 20, 2017
by Edward-Elmhurst Health
Cardiac rehabilitation is a key first step for recovery after a heart attack.

Patient offers 6 tips to navigate Parkinson’s disease

September 25, 2017
by Edward-Elmhurst Health
As a newly-diagnosed Parkinson’s patient, you feel like your head is swimming with information.
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