
Reducing the risk of injury in high school athletes

October 09, 2017
Edward-Elmhurst Health & Fitness can provide specialized programming for individuals and teams to help reduce the risk of athletic injuries.

Why your grade schooler should learn CPR

October 02, 2017
Could your fourth or fifth grader save someone’s life?

We’re on the road to zero harm

October 09, 2017
The rule “Speak Up for Safety” is critical to our mission.

The breast self-exam, where are we now?

October 04, 2017
Though breast self-exam recommendations continue to change, it is still important for you to know the ins and outs of your body.

Your genes and your health: 5 FAQs about genetic testing

October 18, 2017
If you have family members battling cancer, you may be thinking about genetic testing to determine your risk of getting the disease.
FAD Blog

Top 5 steps to choosing the right PCP for you

October 05, 2017
by Edward-Elmhurst Health
With hundreds of PCPs to choose from, how do you find the right one? Look for a doctor who meets these five criteria.
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