
Halloween without the health scare

October 03, 2022
Believe it or not, Halloween is a great time to practice balance. When your kids stagger home on Halloween night lugging sacks full of candy, teach...
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DuPagePads: A mission to end homelessness in DuPage County

October 21, 2022
by Edward-Elmhurst Health
DuPagePads' mission is now being supported through Edward-Elmhurst Health’s Community Investment Fund.

How to ease the burden for a caregiver

October 18, 2022
Caring for an ailing, older family member is a full-time job. What are some ways to support a family caregiver?
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Abigail’s weight loss story: “This journey has been life-changing”

January 18, 2022
by Edward-Elmhurst Health
Abigail started at 385 pounds and, with a combination of medical and surgical interventions, she lost a total of 185 pounds.
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What’s involved in a heart scan?

January 11, 2022
by Edward-Elmhurst Health
In the fight against heart disease, a heart scan can help identify early build-up of calcium in the coronary arteries (the most common cause of...

Clearing up COVID-19 confusion, part 1: Vaccines

January 17, 2022
by Edward-Elmhurst Health
The COVID-19 vaccine is the safest and smartest way to protect yourself from COVID-19, but there’s some misinformation about it out there.
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