Brain scan images 750x500

The challenges of epilepsy and treatments to improve quality of life

January 19, 2024
by Endeavor Health
Epilepsy is a frightening condition that can come on at any time, in a person of any age, race or ethnicity. The good news is, there are treatments...
Cancer Prevention heathy eating 750x500

7 cancer prevention goals for the new year

January 18, 2024
by Endeavor Health
While not all cancers are preventable, making healthy lifestyle choices can significantly reduce your risk for many cancers.
Unhealthy habits stress 750x500

7 unhealthy habits to quit this year

January 04, 2024
by Endeavor Health
The start of a new year is often when people mark a fresh start in some aspect of life. Whether it’s exercising, eating healthy or something else,...
Brain Heart connection 750x500

Can stress damage your heart?

January 30, 2024
by Endeavor Health
Stress can do a number on your health, causing sleep disturbances, digestive issues, even a broken heart.
Back pain sciatica 750x500

Back pain: When is it time to see an orthopaedic specialist?

January 11, 2024
by Endeavor Health
Incredibly common in adults, back pain can range from mildly annoying to severe enough to limit basic movements and significantly diminish quality...
Cancer side effects 750x500

5 cancer-related side effects and how to manage them

January 05, 2024
by Endeavor Health
Cancer treatments continue to improve, providing better survival rates and patient outcomes. Yet, challenging side effects often remain a hardship...
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