
Eating it up: A language diet in the NICU

December 22, 2021
As babies get older, it is important that their auditory development is a positive experience. In the NICU, this concept is being enhanced with a...

How to be SMART about your New Year’s resolutions

December 30, 2021
by Edward-Elmhurst Health
A Gallup survey reveals that 80 percent of people who make resolutions on New Year’s Day have abandoned those goals by February.

Staying active may lessen symptoms of chemo brain

December 29, 2021
by Edward-Elmhurst Health
A new study suggests staying physically active can help women with breast cancer maintain memory and cognitive function and avoid “chemo brain.”
HDHero TimothyBlakefinalcrop

Police officer suffers painful knee injury, back on his feet hours after surgery

November 17, 2021
by Edward-Elmhurst Health
Timothy Blake was on the mound pitching in a game when something went terribly wrong.

Respiratory viruses are back to “normal” this year

November 26, 2021
by Edward-Elmhurst Health
Respiratory viruses are beginning to circulate at a level closer to pre-pandemic levels.

Feeling pandemic frustration, anger or rage?

November 19, 2021
As the pandemic drags on, regular outbursts of anger are becoming the norm. How can you manage your feelings in healthy ways?
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