
Stretches and exercises to address back pain

September 15, 2021
If you have back pain, ask your doctor about some of these stretches and exercises.

Metastatic breast cancer treatments: changing patient outcomes

September 21, 2021
by Edward-Elmhurst Health
Advances in metastatic breast cancer treatment help provide women a way to manage the disease and live productive lives for many years.

Does extra weight increase my risk for cancer?

September 02, 2021
by Edward-Elmhurst Health
Carrying around extra weight can take a toll on your body for more reasons than one.
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5 things your ER team wants you to know

September 02, 2021
by Edward-Elmhurst Health
Ellen Turnbull, System Director, Emergency Services at Edward-Elmhurst Health, offers advice for when those situations arise unexpectedly.

7 kitchen safety risks you should know

March 23, 2021
As enjoyable as cooking can be, the kitchen can be a dangerous place for cooking pros and novices. A few simple steps can help make your kitchen...
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Family secret reveals loss, and a new beginning

March 17, 2021
by Edward-Elmhurst Health
Laura Morgan's parents told her that her grandfather, Charles Chester, had grown up in an orphanage in Michigan. But, there was a twist.
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