
Questions to ask your doctor when first diagnosed

December 05, 2018
by Edward-Elmhurst Health
Your first appointment to discuss your cancer diagnosis with your physician can be overwhelming. You will probably feel a mix of emotions and you...

Your teen’s brain has some growing up to do

December 06, 2018
by Edward-Elmhurst Health
Ever wonder what happened to your sweet child once the teen years hit? What happens in the brain during adolescence may explain the difference.

Alcohol and your heart: what you need to know

June 21, 2018
Get answers to questions about whether alcohol has a place in a heart-healthy diet.

Change your thinking, lose the weight

June 21, 2018
by Edward-Elmhurst Health
So many people struggle with their weight. It’s not as if we aren’t trying, but losing weight isn’t as simple as eating less and exercising more.

Depression doesn’t discriminate

June 12, 2018
Shift your focus to the people around you. Start noticing what they do and say.

Is your child depressed? A yearly screening can help

June 06, 2018
by Edward-Elmhurst Health
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) published updated guidelines calling for all youth, ages 12 and up, to be screened for depression at least...
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