Cam Kennedy 2a

Wife's push to ER leads to successful treatment of husband's heart attack

January 13, 2016
by Edward-Elmhurst Health
Plainfield heart attack victim saved by wife’s recognition that he needed to go to the ER, and quick treatment by teams at Plainfield Emergency...

7 need-to-know facts about HIV

March 23, 2016
Thousands of U.S. teens and young adults get infected with HIV each year. Yet more than half don’t know they are.

Keeping your heart healthy during cancer treatment

March 09, 2016
Learn about your options for safeguarding your heart and do your part to keep your heart healthy.

It's not too late to get that flu shot

March 02, 2016
It's the time of year when a lot of people come down with the flu.

Poor sleep is messing with your mental health

March 10, 2016
by Edward-Elmhurst Health
If one sleepless night can make you feel irritable and moody, what do you think a pattern of poor sleep is doing to you?

Revive your fitness resolution

March 29, 2016
You may have started off strong, but your enthusiasm has fizzled.
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