
Edward-Elmhurst team targets drug-resistant germs

September 06, 2016
by Edward-Elmhurst Health
Drug-resistant germs cause more than 2 million infections and more than 23,000 deaths in the U.S. each year.

Make over your space; create a heart-healthy environment

September 26, 2016
How heart-healthy is your home? It doesn’t take much to create an environment that supports a healthy heart.

Danica Patrick: how to find your motivation

September 19, 2016
by Danica Patrick
The first key to beating the lure of the couch is vision.

Labor on Labor Day: A day-off workout

September 02, 2016
A day off from work doesn’t mean you should take a day off from exercise.

Protect the pump, pipes — consider heart scan, vascular screening

September 27, 2016
by Edward-Elmhurst Health
Heart scans and screenings can help protect you from life-threatening blood clots, stroke, heart attack and aneurysms.
EEH Bill Youngs 1 blog

Heart patient benefits from new technique to treat CTO

November 08, 2016
by Edward-Elmhurst Health
Fortunately, Bill's doctors knew of a minimally invasive technique to open the blocked artery and keep it open.
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