
Do viruses cause cancer?

December 20, 2017
by Edward-Elmhurst Health
While some viruses don’t cause much harm and are more of a nuisance, there are more serious viruses that cause severe illnesses.

Fecal matters: An at-home alternative to a colonoscopy

December 13, 2017
Does just thinking about getting a colonoscopy make you nervous? Fear no more.

10 inspiring quotes for the new year

December 28, 2017
by Edward-Elmhurst Health
The new year is the perfect opportunity for you to set new goals for yourself and start the year with a new attitude.

How gratitude and giving add perspective

December 20, 2017
When you’re obsessing about your own struggles and problems, it helps to do something nice for someone else.

Finding peace through forgiveness

December 21, 2017
by Edward-Elmhurst Health
The act of forgiving can be a powerful tool to your well-being. It could be the greatest gift you give yourself this holiday.
HD Hearts Snow shoveling blog

Risks of shoveling: Snow laughing matter

December 27, 2017
by Edward-Elmhurst Health
Researchers found the deeper the snow, the more men died of heart attacks.
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