
How gross is your work desk?

February 27, 2017
by Edward-Elmhurst Health
Frequent desk-lunch eaters, here’s an important heads-up.
eeh mary grier 2

“A new year, a new life” for survivor of cancer discovered by screening

February 08, 2017
by Edward-Elmhurst Health
If you’re wondering about getting that screening mammogram your doctor recommended, Mary Grier’s story may convince you.

How (and when) to treat a burn at home

February 20, 2017
To help you decide when to seek medical attention, it helps to know the levels of burn severity.

Revive your resolution to quit smoking

February 01, 2017
by Edward-Elmhurst Health
Knowing that smoking is bad for you isn’t enough to break an addiction. You have to make other changes too.
eeh chris cobb blog

Heart scan prevents heart attack in unsuspecting young realtor

February 14, 2017
by Edward-Elmhurst Health
Chris Cobb had a heart scan at Edward Hospital. A week later, he had a stress test — and failed it. The next morning, Cobb had triple bypass surgery.

Going from we to me: 6 healthy ways to cope after a breakup

February 03, 2017
by Edward-Elmhurst Health
Coping with a relationship breakup isn’t easy. No matter who initiated it, the experience can be one of the most painful processes in...
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