
The mystery of lupus

May 09, 2017
by Edward-Elmhurst Health
Diagnosing lupus takes some detective work.

New show sparks controversy over teen suicide

Netflix's new series "13 Reasons Why" has some mental health experts concerned.

Could you have fibromyalgia?

May 22, 2017
Fibromyalgia, a chronic pain disorder, is hard to describe.

The biggest sunscreen mistakes you are making

May 24, 2017
Ever wonder why your skin feels sensitive after you’ve been in the sun all day? Don’t let this summer be all about aloe — avoid these common...

Q&A: What it's like to be an oncology nurse

May 17, 2017
by Edward-Elmhurst Health
Hear from two of our oncology nurses as they discuss how rewarding it is to be in the field.

15 simple stress busters you can do today

May 04, 2017
by Edward-Elmhurst Health
Since stress is an inevitable part of life, how can you protect your health? Here are 15 things you can do today to relieve stress.
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