
Is it safe to work out at the Fitness Center?

August 03, 2020
by Edward-Elmhurst Health
As long as COVID-19 is a health threat, there will be measures in place to keep you safe in the gym.

We’re here for you; get help for domestic violence

August 13, 2020
by Edward-Elmhurst Health
Earlier in the pandemic, when people had to stay home to avoid the virus that causes COVID-19, domestic violence advocates went on heightened alert.
HDHearts heart cathcrop

What to expect in a heart catheterization procedure

August 25, 2020
A cardiac catherization allows doctors to assess the pumping function of the heart and determine if there is any significant blockage in the arteries.

A message from our System CEO: Wear a mask

August 05, 2020
I believe it is important to share some of what we’ve learned at Edward-Elmhurst Health during the past six months.

How opioid addiction affects moms and babies

August 20, 2020
For the majority of expectant moms who struggle with opioid use disorder, it began with a prescription to manage pain.

Be aware of these postpartum complications

August 27, 2020
After having a baby, it’s important to be aware of postpartum complications (between birth and six weeks postpartum) and alert your doctor if you...
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