
Many weapons in play against common heart problem: AFib

July 26, 2018
Timely diagnosis and treatment of AFib is key because it increases the risk of stroke and, if uncontrolled, may lead to heart failure.

How to stay healthy when you travel abroad

July 02, 2018
by Edward-Elmhurst Health
Seeing the world is an awesome thing — but it’s no fun with a fever or diarrhea.

Trying to conceive? 4 ways to improve your chances

July 05, 2018
by Edward-Elmhurst Health
You and your partner are ready to start trying for a baby. To improve your chances of conceiving, it helps to know the days when you are most fertile.

The celebration that could leave you burned

July 02, 2018
Leave big explosives to the professionals and be cautious with the small stuff.

Why you may be short of breath and how to handle it

July 11, 2018
Having a difficult time catching your breath? You may be experiencing dyspnea.

Could you have cataracts?

March 18, 2019
by Edward-Elmhurst Health
Has your vision become a little cloudy?
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