
Roberta E Blandon, M.D.

Roberta E Blandon, MD
Illinois Urogynecology Ltd
Hospital Affiliations:
Edward Hospital
Clinical Interests:
Bladder surgery; Cystocele, rectocele; Fallen bladder or uterus; Fecal incontinence; Female Urology & Incontinence; Genitourinary fistulas; Mesh problems; Stress urinary incontinence; Vaginal and pelvic prolapse; Vaginal surgery for prolapse; Voiding difficulties; Women’s Center for Pelvic Medicine

This provider is an independent medical practitioner who has been permitted to use the hospital's facilities and to exercise his or her independent medical judgment in the care and treatment of his or her patient.


Philosophy Of Care

Our goal is to provide compassionate care in the treatment of women with prolapse, urinary incontinence and other disorders of the pelvic floor. We want women to regain their quality of life by choosing the treatment that best fits their needs.

Education & Credentials

Education: Universidad Autonoma De Guadalajara, 1996

Internship: Hospital Civil De Guadalajara, 1998; Universidad De Guadalajara, 1998

Residency: University of Missouri at Kansas City, 2002; University of Missouri School of Medicine (Kansas City, 2002

Fellowship: Mayo Graduate School of Medicine-Mayo Foundation, 2008; Mayo Graduate School of Medicine (Minnesota), 2008




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Learn more about insurance coverage verification and Endeavor Health Medical Group’s accepted insurance plans.