
Christopher A. Boutin, M.D.

boutin christopher
59 Ratings10 Comments
Endeavor Health Medical Group
Hospital Affiliations:
Elmhurst Hospital; Edward Hospital
Clinical Interests:
Hepatitis; Liver Disease; Abdominal Pain; Colon Cancer Screening; Digestive Problems; Capsule Endoscopy; Endoscopy; Esophageal Problems; Gastroesophageal Reflux

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This provider is an employee of one of the Edward-Elmhurst Health System entities.



Philosophy Of Care

We strive to serve our patients in a courteous professional and kind manner, we offer state-of-the-art care with minimum discomfort.

Education & Credentials

Education: University of IL, Chicago

Internship: Evanston-Northwestern Hospital

Residency: Evanston-Northwestern Hospital

Society: Am. Coll. of Gastroenterology; Amer. Gastroenterological Ass.




To find out if this healthcare professional accepts your insurance plan, it is important to verify coverage with your health insurance company. Verify your coverage by either calling the number on your insurance card or confirming coverage through your insurance company’s website or mobile app.

Learn more about insurance coverage verification and Endeavor Health Medical Group’s accepted insurance plans.


Press Ganey Data Integrity Certified

Consumers who are considering a provider at Edward-Elmhurst Health now have an additional tool - online access to our patient satisfaction ratings and comments from verified patients. To obtain patient ratings and comments, we partner with Press Ganey, an independent patient satisfaction company that works with more than 26,000 health care organizations, including half of all U.S. hospitals, to improve the patient experience. Press Ganey uses the CAHPS® Hospital Survey and CAHPS Clinician and Group Practice Survey, to measure patients' health care experiences with their physician. 

Learn more about patient ratings and comments

Overall Patient Rating
4.8 out of 5
(59 Ratings, 10 Comments)
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A caring and knowledgeable physician
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Dr Boutin is the most caring and compassionate doctor. He is so knowledgeable & extremely sincere. He genuinely cares about his patients and treats everybody with the same respect.
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Excellent appointment. I felt he took a lot of time with me and was very through and so easy to talk to. He answered all my questions and had suggested other options for me. I am vey impressed Dr.Boutin and very happy that I was able to see him even though it took waiting 6 months. I was worth the wait
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Dr. Boutin was terrific: sympathetic, professional, and helpful. ...
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Dr BOUTIN is the absolute best! He listens and cares! Very professional with knowledge!
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No coments very satisfied
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He's great!
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Great experience from start to finish.
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Very good experience always able to help
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Dr Boutin was very attentive to all my concerns and even took the time & checked all previous lab/exam results to further understand what treatments we can do