
Akta Kakodkar, M.D.

Otolaryngology (ENT)
Endeavor Health Medical Group
English, Hindi, Spanish
Clinical Interests:
Larynx; Parathyroid Surgery; Snoring; Thyroid Surgery; Hearing/Tinnitus Evaluation; Allergies; Ear Problems; Head and Neck Surgery; Pediatric ENT; Sinonasal Disease

This provider is an employee of one of the Edward-Elmhurst Health System entities.



Philosophy Of Care

I believe in personalized care where every individual is treated in their own unique way. I encourage patients to ask questions and become more knowledgeable about their conditions and treatment options. This allows each patient to make an informed decision about their health.

Education & Credentials

Education: University of Missouri, KC, 2010

Internship: The University of Illinois Chicago, 2011

Residency: The University of Illinois Chicago, 2015

Society: American Academy of Otolaryngology


Otolaryngology (ENT)


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Learn more about insurance coverage verification and Endeavor Health Medical Group’s accepted insurance plans.