
Sandra Manley-Eichler, LCSW

Sandra Manley-Eichler, LCSW
Behavioral Health Integration
Endeavor Health Medical Group
Hospital Affiliations:
Linden Oaks Behavioral Health
Clinical Interests:
Depression; Trauma and Domestic Violence; LGBTQIA+; Anxiety

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This provider is an independent medical practitioner who has been permitted to use the hospital's facilities and to exercise his or her independent medical judgment in the care and treatment of his or her patient.


Philosophy Of Care

Sandra is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker who earned her Master’s degree from Columbia University in New York City. Sandra works with patients who present a variety of counseling needs, whether for short-term or long-term therapeutic support. She enjoys helping people achieve their health goals and manage behavioral health needs in a compassionate and empathic space.

Education & Credentials

Education: Columbia University in New York; Loyola University


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Learn more about insurance coverage verification and Endeavor Health Medical Group’s accepted insurance plans.