
Jonathan K Pinsky, M.D.

pinsky jonathan
Infectious Diseases
Metro Infectious Disease Consultants, LLC
Hospital Affiliations:
Edward Hospital
Clinical Interests:
HIV; Bone and Joint Infections; Blood Stream Infections; Cellulitis; Clostridium difficile; Device Infections; Endocarditis; Urinary Tract Infections

This provider is an independent medical practitioner who has been permitted to use the hospital's facilities and to exercise his or her independent medical judgment in the care and treatment of his or her patient.


Philosophy Of Care

You may be referred to an ID specialist when your doctor is dealing with a difficult to diagnose or complicated infection. Upon evaluation, you will get a recommendation on diagnostic tests and further treatments. Our goal will be to clarify the role for antibiotic treatment and to allow you and your doctor to better understand your condition. Ultimately, we share the same goal, your health and happiness.

Education & Credentials

Education: St. George's University, 1996; St. Georges University School of Medicine, 1996

Residency: Loyola University Medical Center, 1999

Fellowship: Loyola University Medical Center, 2001


Infectious Diseases


To find out if this healthcare professional accepts your insurance plan, it is important to verify coverage with your health insurance company. Verify your coverage by either calling the number on your insurance card or confirming coverage through your insurance company’s website or mobile app.

Learn more about insurance coverage verification and Endeavor Health Medical Group’s accepted insurance plans.