
Edyta K Straczynski, M.D.

208 Ratings48 Comments
Family Medicine
Endeavor Health Medical Group
Hospital Affiliations:
Elmhurst Hospital; Edward Hospital
Clinical Interests:
Women's Health; Preventative Medicine; Pediatric

This provider is an independent medical practitioner who has been permitted to use the hospital's facilities and to exercise his or her independent medical judgment in the care and treatment of his or her patient.

Education & Credentials

Internship: Rush-Copley Family Practice Center (Illinois), 2004


To find out if this healthcare professional accepts your insurance plan, it is important to verify coverage with your health insurance company. Verify your coverage by either calling the number on your insurance card or confirming coverage through your insurance company’s website or mobile app.

Learn more about insurance coverage verification and Endeavor Health Medical Group’s accepted insurance plans.


Press Ganey Data Integrity Certified

Consumers who are considering a provider at Edward-Elmhurst Health now have an additional tool - online access to our patient satisfaction ratings and comments from verified patients. To obtain patient ratings and comments, we partner with Press Ganey, an independent patient satisfaction company that works with more than 26,000 health care organizations, including half of all U.S. hospitals, to improve the patient experience. Press Ganey uses the CAHPS® Hospital Survey and CAHPS Clinician and Group Practice Survey, to measure patients' health care experiences with their physician. 

Learn more about patient ratings and comments

Overall Patient Rating
4.9 out of 5
(208 Ratings, 48 Comments)
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Thanks for all your caring services
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She very caring, always answers all my questions. She takes time to listen and makes important suggestions to improve my health
No Rating Given
Dr. Straczynski is the best! She takes time to understand patient concerns and answers questions in terms you can understand without being condescending. You know you are in good hands with Dr. Straczynski. She is very knowledgeable and caring.
No Rating Given
She is thorough and knows her patients.
No Rating Given
I no longer live near my physician, but will still travel 20+ miles to see Dr. Straz.
No Rating Given
She is spectacular!
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No Rating Given
Very engaged during visits, pays attention to concerns, smart physician.
No Rating Given
I really appreciate how the doctor has patience and listen to all your concerns
No Rating Given
She is a wonderful and caring person.