O.A.R.S. Clinic Helps Overcome Substance Use Disorders

O.A.R.S Clinic Helps Overcome Substance Use Disorders

By Dr. Kevin Masterson, MD
Addiction Psychiatrist, Endeavor Health Behavioral Health

Addiction, which is a chronic progressive brain disease, is devastating to individuals and the people in their lives, but effective treatments do exist. The Ongoing Addiction Recovery Services (O.A.R.S.) Clinic at Endeavor Health Linden Oaks Hospital believes proper addiction treatment should mimic the management of other chronic medical conditions - like asthma or diabetes - offering a program for long-term follow-up to achieve the best results. While treatment is not a cure, it can allow people to enter recovery and regain control of their lives.

Supporting individuals in substance use recovery

The O.A.R.S Clinic is designed for individuals seeking to overcome various substance use struggles, such as opioid or alcohol use. Through a comprehensive approach that includes prescription medications, group therapy and case management, they support individuals at every stage of recovery. The clinic and its multidisciplinary team of addiction psychiatrists, advanced nurse practitioners, nurses, therapists, and administrative staff work together to help clients achieve recovery goals.

Treatments and techniques that make a difference

Addiction is a treatable disorder, and research-based methods help individuals stop using and lead productive lives in recovery. The O.A.R.S. clinic provides the following:

  • Medications for substance use disorders that treat the symptoms of withdrawal, including Suboxone (buprenorphine/naloxone), various anti-cravings medications, and on-site administration of injectable medications like Sublocade (buprenorphine), Brixadi (buprenorphine), and Vivitrol (naltrexone).
  • Mental health medications (antidepressants, mood stabilizers, antipsychotics, etc.) allow for effective management of complex issues at one location.
  • Individual and group therapy (cognitive behavioral therapy, dialectical behavioral therapy, life skills education/training), case management, and connections with supportive community-based organizations.

Find more resources

The O.A.R.S. Clinic is just one of the many services that Endeavor Health Linden Oaks Hospital provides. Our team is available for consultation regarding all aspects of substance use disorder and other behavioral health concerns.

Find More Support with Endeavor Health Behavioral Health

If you or someone you know needs support, call us at (847) 432-5464 and one of our professionals will assist in determining if a patient may benefit from treatment.

For more information about the O.A.R.S. Clinic, visit our OARS page.

Learn more about our comprehensive addiction programs.