Hospice care

Hospice provides support and care for individuals who are in the last phases of an incurable disease to help them live as fully and comfortably as possible, pain-free and with dignity.

Hospice recognizes that the dying process is part of the normal process of living, and focuses on enhancing the quality of remaining life. Hospice affirms life and neither hastens nor postpones death. It exists in the hope and belief that through appropriate care, individuals and their families may attain some peace in preparation for death.

If a patient decides to begin hospice care, Edward-Elmhurst Health can help with the transition. We can refer families to Residential Hospice, or to another hospice provider of the patient’s choosing.

Residential Hospice offers patients and families individualized care plans, developed with their physician, and carried out in familiar surroundings, such as in the patient’s home, a hospital room, or a skilled nursing or assisted living facility. Residential Hospice’s care team works to optimize a patient’s quality of life and enhance dignity, while also supporting caregivers and family members.

Visit Residential Hospice to learn more.

Plan ahead with an advance directive

There may come a time in your life when you need someone else to make medical decisions for you. The best way to prepare for that day is by planning ahead. Complete your advance directive today.

Call a hospice nurse today