
Preparing for breastfeeding during pregnancy

We have a Breastfeeding Center at both Edward Hospital (Naperville) and at Elmhurst Hospital (Elmhurst) where internationally board-certified lactation consultants (IBCLC) are available for outpatient pre-birth consultation and breast assessments. If you have had breast surgery or difficulty breastfeeding a prior baby, consider making a prenatal appointment for breast assessment.

Both Edward and Elmhurst hospitals also offer in-person as well as virtual prenatal breastfeeding classes to teach you the basics of breastfeeding, including positioning techniques, proper latch-on, and how to protect your milk supply. You will learn how to recognize hunger cues, how to tell if your baby is getting enough, and what to do for common breastfeeding problems. Sign up for a prenatal breastfeeding class

Starting breastfeeding after your baby is born

Edward-Elmhurst OB nurses are trained in lactation support, some also board-certified as lactation counselors, and will help you get started with breastfeeding soon after delivery. Our lactation consultants from our Breastfeeding Center can also come to your room to assist with any breastfeeding difficulties, answer your questions, and offer proper techniques to help get you and your baby off to a great start. If there is a medical need to pump breast milk for your baby, a hospital grade pump is available for use in the hospital. Your nurse will instruct you in the correct use of the pump.

Breastfeeding support once you’re home

We offer breastfeeding support as a part of our new mom support groups (Cradle Talk at Edward Hospital and Mom & Baby Hour at Elmhurst Hospital). Join other breastfeeding moms for support and to have questions answered by a Lactation Counselor or an IBCLC lactation consultant. These support groups are for any new mom, even if you didn’t deliver at our hospitals, and meet in-person on Wednesdays at 10 a.m. We also have virtual breastfeeding support combined with our virtual Cradle Talk Online new mom’s group on Mondays and Fridays at 10 a.m. Learn more about these support groups.

If you have any difficulties with breastfeeding, you can call or schedule an appointment at our Breastfeeding Center at Naperville or our Breastfeeding Center at Elmhurst for a complete breastfeeding evaluation by an international board certified lactation consultant (IBCLC). If you plan to return to work while breastfeeding, you can make an appointment four to six weeks beforehand to learn convenient and effective ways to continue breastfeeding while working. Breastfeeding support is open to moms in the community, even if you didn’t have your baby at Edward or Elmhurst Hospitals. 

Contact a lactation consultant

Our lactation consultants are available to answer your questions or for appointments to help you with breastfeeding difficulties.

Elmhurst Hospital, 1st floor
155 E. Brush Hill Road
Hours - by appointment
Monday - Saturday: 9 am - 4:30 pm
Sunday: Closed 

Edward South Annex
120 Osler Drive, second floor
(across from South Parking garage)
Hours - by appointment
Monday - Friday: 9 am - 5:30 pm
Saturday & Sunday: Call to schedule

Breastfeeding pump rental

The Affordable Care Act (2010) requires most health insurance plans to cover the cost of a breast pump as part of women’s preventative health services. Every insurance plan may have different requirements for this benefit so we recommend during your pregnancy to contact your insurance company and determine your benefits for covering the cost of your breast pump. You can also rent a hospital-grade breast pump from our Breastfeeding Centers on a weekly or monthly basis.