Pre-op Information
It’s important to provide the most accurate and complete information possible, as it will help your healthcare team provide you with the best possible care. We will request the following information from you:
- General health information
- Your medical history, including all other surgeries
- Allergies to medications
- Recent illnesses, including fever, cold or rash
- Current prescription and non-prescription medications, including dosage and times taken
- Any chronic medical problems, including diabetes, high blood pressure or sleep apnea
- Advance directives (if applicable)
The nurse will also discuss important information with you, such as arrival time, where to check-in, dietary instructions and what medication to take the morning of your surgery. He or she will provide a number you can call with any questions.
You’ll also need to make arrangements to have someone drive you home from the hospital and stay with you for at least 24 hours after your surgery.
Checking in
Plan to arrive for check-in at the time and place indicated by the nurse you spoke with earlier. Unless your nurse or surgeon instructs you otherwise, follow these instructions to prepare for the day of surgery:
- Unless you have been instructed otherwise by your surgeon or pre-admission nurse, do not eat or drink anything after midnight the night before your surgery. This includes gum, candy, mints and water.
- Leave all jewelry and valuables at home. No jewelry can be worn during surgery.
- Remove all makeup.
- Wear loose, comfortable clothing.
What to bring
Bring the following documents with you for check-in:
- Current photo ID
- Insurance cards or forms
- Completed advance directives, if you have them
- List of your current prescription and non-prescription medications, including dosage and times taken
Family and friends may wait with you in the surgery preparation area. You should leave any personal belongings with them. While you are undergoing your procedure, they can wait in the surgical waiting area or take advantage of the many amenities each hospital offers.
After your surgery, you will be taken to a recovery area where you will be closely monitored as the anesthesia wears off. Your surgeon will talk with you and your family and friends about the outcome of the surgery and the plan for your recovery.
Pain management
Keeping your pain under control is a top priority for your care team. It is important for you to communicate the pain level you are feeling and where you are experiencing pain so your doctor and nurse can help you with pain management. Your nurse will talk with you about this.
Plan to have a responsible adult drive you home from the hospital and stay with you for at least 24 hours after surgery. You will receive written instructions for self-care when you’re discharged from the hospital. It’s very important that you follow them. A nurse will follow up with you in the days following your surgery to check on your condition and answer your questions. He or she will provide a number to call if you have further questions.
We’re here to help. Contact your surgeon’s office or call Pre-Admission Testing at 630-527-3325 (for surgeries at Edward) and 331-221-0460 (for surgeries at Elmhurst), if you have questions about your upcoming surgery.