HD Hearts hypertension awarenesscrop

High blood pressure: A silent health threat

April 20, 2023
Most of the time, high blood pressure has no obvious symptoms to let you know that something is wrong. This means many people with high blood...

Healthy ways to approach pregnancy after age 35

April 17, 2023
Despite the challenges, many women older than 35 can have healthy pregnancies and babies.
HD Hearts Blog Womens Heart Healthy Stats

Women: Know your heart-healthy stats

April 11, 2023
Dr. Jacqueline Ross has the numbers women need to know for a healthy heart.
HD Life bariatric surgery

5 things to know about weight loss surgery

April 10, 2023
Nonsurgical weight loss methods may not be enough for everyone.

How to know when chest pain signals a heart attack

April 05, 2023
Though unexplained chest pain does not always indicate a heart attack, it should not be ignored.
Head and neck cancers v2

Head and neck cancers: detection and prevention

April 04, 2023
Head and neck cancers are typically diagnosed in people over the age of 40 and survival rates vary greatly depending on the type and stage of...
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