
Halloween without the health scare

October 03, 2022
Believe it or not, Halloween is a great time to practice balance. When your kids stagger home on Halloween night lugging sacks full of candy, teach...

School lunches to help your child power through the afternoon

September 29, 2022
We’re all too familiar with the afternoon slump. Kids go through that, too. Keep these tips in mind when you buy food for lunches.
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6 exercises to lose body fat and keep muscle

September 27, 2022
What are some specific exercises you can do to lose body fat and preserve muscle mass?

6 things you should know about cholesterol

September 22, 2022
by Edward-Elmhurst Health
When kept in check, cholesterol is not a bad thing. In fact, your body needs it to help build cells.

What to do when your child refuses to go to school

September 22, 2022
Learn signs that your child may be experiencing school anxiety.

Top 10 reasons women avoid mammograms and facts to change your mind

September 21, 2022
by Edward-Elmhurst Health
A mammogram can help detect breast cancer before physical symptoms develop. Yet, some women don’t get this lifesaving test when they should.
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