DSC 0180 blog

Cardiac rehab helps patients feel like themselves again

June 21, 2016
by Edward-Elmhurst Health
Learn why cardiac rehab is a key part of treatment for heart disease.
Mary Bonsignore blog v2

3 cardiac care innovations that are improving lives

June 07, 2016
by Edward-Elmhurst Health
New cardiac treatment options include procedures for patients with blocked leg arteries, leaky heart valves and advanced aortic stenosis.

Heart attack and stroke – is there a connection?

May 17, 2016
by Edward-Elmhurst Health
If you’ve had a heart attack, you could be in danger of having a stroke. Learn more about the connection between the two.
HD Hearts Blog Womens Heart Healthy Stats

Women: Know your heart-healthy stats

May 03, 2016
Dr. Jacqueline Ross has the numbers women need to know for a healthy heart.
HDHeroMark Zdenovec

Heart screening leads to early cancer detection in Naperville man

April 21, 2016
by Edward-Elmhurst Health
Mark Zdenovec shares how a heart scan changed the path of his life.

Live to 90 with “Life’s Simple 7”

April 20, 2016
Dr. Andrew Rauh, a specialist in cardiovascular disease, shares seven tips to help you live a longer and healthier life.
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