HDMoms hypothyroidismchildrencrop

What to know about hypothyroidism in children

January 20, 2021
If your child’s thyroid gland is underactive, meaning it does not make enough thyroid hormone, it’s called hypothyroidism.

10 stressors of being a new parent and how to face them

January 07, 2021
by Edward-Elmhurst Health
If you can anticipate the stressors new parents often face and make a plan prior to bringing home your baby, you’ll be ahead of the game.

When to take your child to the ER

December 19, 2020
by Edward-Elmhurst Health
Learn how to distinguish the need for a visit to the ER from something that can wait.

Is your child slipping into depression?

December 17, 2020
The pandemic is taking a mental health toll on many of us, including children — from adolescents to preschool age.

Give your family screen time breaks this winter

December 04, 2020
by Edward-Elmhurst Health
Since the start of the pandemic, most of us have been spending more time in front of screens.

Elmhurst mom meets natural childbirth goal with help from midwives

November 12, 2020
by Edward-Elmhurst Health
Dianna and her husband Mike, both in their early 30s, were new to Elmhurst and excited to put down roots, with a baby a hopeful possibility for the...
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