
Weighing in on staying heart healthy

October 05, 2022
The key to any good weight management program is tailoring the approach to the individual.

6 things you should know about cholesterol

September 22, 2022
by Edward-Elmhurst Health
When kept in check, cholesterol is not a bad thing. In fact, your body needs it to help build cells.

Many weapons in play against common heart problem: AFib

September 13, 2022
Timely diagnosis and treatment of AFib is key because it increases the risk of stroke and, if uncontrolled, may lead to heart failure.
person running on a treadmill for exercise

7 ways your heart benefits from exercise

June 21, 2022
Learn seven heart-healthy reasons why regular cardiovascular work belongs in your exercise plan.
HDHearts VictorPattoncrop

Plainfield man successfully pilots Edward Hospital’s first virtual cardiac rehab program

June 06, 2022
by Edward-Elmhurst Health
After Victor Patton underwent successful valve replacement and double bypass, he was able to complete his cardiac rehab virtually.

Is it heartburn or a heart attack? Don’t guess.

May 25, 2022
by Edward-Elmhurst Health
Heartburn can closely mimic a heart attack. While a heart attack is often announced by pressure or pain in the chest, that’s not always true.
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