HDLife medicalweightlosscrop

Win the battle with your weight

December 27, 2022
When you’re obese or overweight, it can feel like you’ll never lose that weight. I’m here to tell you that you can.

How to motivate yourself to exercise

December 19, 2022
We all have our own fitness goals. Though we set out to reach these goals, many of us struggle to stay motivated.
hdlifei indoorallergies

How to reduce allergens in your home

December 15, 2022
by Edward-Elmhurst Health
If you’ve got allergens floating around your house, you might react with a stuffy, runny nose, sneezing and an itchy throat or eyes.
HDLife tripledemic crop

Should we be worried about a “tripledemic” of flu, COVID-19 and RSV?

December 08, 2022
by Edward-Elmhurst Health
Medical experts are warning of a potential “tripledemic” with three major respiratory viruses converging at the same time.
HDLife Acupuncturecrop

An acupuncturist’s view of whole-person healing

December 06, 2022
In acupuncture and Chinese medicine, we view the body and mind as inextricably connected and treat it as such.
HDLife healthyholidaybakingcrop

Healthy-up your holiday sweets!

November 21, 2022
by Edward-Elmhurst Health
It’s easy to modify your holiday recipes to be healthier and still tasty. Learn about some healthy substitutions.
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